

Please report bugs or feature requests by creating GitHub issues.

In Code

If you want to contribute in code, pull requests are welcome!

Please do create a new issue before you dive into coding. It can well be that we already started working on the feature, or that there are upstream or downstream complexities involved which you might not be aware of.

SDK Code Generation

The biggest part of the code has been automatically generated by aas-core-codegen. It probably makes most sense to change the generator rather than add new functionality. However, this needs to be decided on a case-by-case basis.

Test Code Generation

The majority of the unit tests has been automatically generated using the Python scripts in the dev_scripts/ directory.

To re-generate the test code, run:

python dev_scripts/

Test Data

The test data is automatically generated by aas-core3.0-testgen, and copied to this repository on every change.

Pre-commit Checks

Before you can run pre-commit checks, you need to all the development dependencies. Run in your virtual environment:

pip3 install --editable .
pip3 install -r requirements-dev.txt

Now you can execute the checks (from the repository root):

python continuous_integration/

Some of the checks, such as formatting, can be automatically fixed. If you want a self-healing checks, run:

python continuous_integration/ --overwrite

Pull Requests

Feature branches. We develop using the feature branches, see this section of the Git book.

If you are a member of the development team, create a feature branch directly within the repository.

Otherwise, if you are a non-member contributor, fork the repository and create the feature branch in your forked repository. See this GitHub tutorial for more guidance.

Branch Prefix. Please prefix the branch with your Github user name (e.g., mristin/Add-some-feature).

Continuous Integration. GitHub will run the continuous integration (CI) automatically through GitHub actions. The CI includes running the tests, inspecting the code, re-building the documentation etc.

Commit Messages

The commit messages follow the guidelines from

  • Separate subject from body with a blank line,

  • Limit the subject line to 50 characters,

  • Capitalize the subject line,

  • Do not end the subject line with a period,

  • Use the imperative mood in the subject line,

  • Wrap the body at 72 characters, and

  • Use the body to explain what and why (instead of how).